Concomitant radiochemotherapy is the therapeutic standard for locally advanced (Ib2 to IVa stage FIGO) cervical cancer. In the\nabsence of a radiotherapy in many of our Sub-Saharan African countries, surgical resection is the only therapeutic method available\nin hopes of achieving a definite cure. However, criteria for curative surgery are not always met due to preoperative understaging\nof most of our patients. In addition to socioeconomic factors, the causes for understaging are numerous. These include the lack of\npersonnel or underqualified personnel and the absence of complete workup to assess the resectability of the tumor, but above all the\nlack of decision-making throughmultidisciplinary consultation meetings. This studymakes a plea in order to provide our hospitals\nwith qualified personnel and adequate technical platform to allow efficient management of our patients with cervical cancer.